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HL7 Survival Guide Resource Package

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Inside This Resource Package

1. HL7 Profile Kit: get started with our key recommendations for HL7 profiles - Ch. 6

2. HL7 Gap Analysis Template: use this template to get started on the right foot with gap analysis - Ch. 7

3. Interface Asset Template: use this template to track workflow and processes - Ch. 10

4. Checklist: Collaboration Software for HL7 Integration: get this checklist to know what to look for when researching collaboration software - Ch. 11

Why the Resource Package?

The HL7 Survival Guide takes you through all the phases of the HL7 interface Lifecycle: Scoping, Configuration, Validation, Go-live, Maintenance and Reports and Upgrade Decision. Besides all the in-depth knowledge offered in each chapter of the HL7 Survival Guide, Caristix has developed specific resources to help you find your way through the entire lifecycle.

We've combined these resources into one easy download for your convenience.

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